Groundwater Teaching and Research Programs at UC Davis
Hydrologic Sciences: one of only a handful integrated hydrologic sciences programs in the U.S., part of the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources; provides courses and conducts research programs in groundwater hydrology, vadose zone hydrology, soil water science, irrigation engineering, and watershed hydrology.
Soil Sciences: program within the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources; provides courses and conducts research programs in soil physics, soil fertility, soil microbiology, biodegradation of contaminants in soils, aqueous geochemistry, to name a few.
Geology: one of the 25 best geology departments in the country; provides courses and conducts research, among others, on environmental geology, fluvial morphology, and geophysics.
Civil and Environmental Engineering: among top 20 environmental engineering programs in the U.S., offers courses and research groups in a variety of groundwater related environmental and water resources engineering fields, such as contaminant modeling, fate of contaminants in the subsurface, water resources systems analysis, etc.
Chemical Engineering: provides courses and conducts research on a wide variety of topics, which include basic research on fluid flow in porous media, multiphase transport, nanoscale processes.
Environmental Science and Policy: offers excellent cross-disciplinary undergraduate and graduate programs in Environmental Biology and Management, Environmental Policy and Planning, and Environmental Policy Analysis